*:•°* It's Time to Sparkle! *:•°*

Heyo, I'm the one and only Sparkle Sparks! I'm from the series It's Time to Sparkle! I'm a cute little wizard with ASD who fights evil villains who dare to stand in my way! How rude of them for getting in my way hmmpt... I enjoy casting spells since it's very satisfying but gets me hungry when I overdo many spells. When I'm in my free time, I hang out with my friends or do my favorite hobbies! Are you ready cause It's Time to Sparkle!

Nya! It's Time to Sparkle! is about two young Anthro Wizards. Sparkle Sparks, The Stylish Techie! Rocky Road, the Ice Cream Lovin’ Boxer! Their goal is to stop Dark Squad from conquering the world! While balancing life as Foolish Teens!Sparkle spends her time playing video games, designing new outfits, tinkering with new ideas for tech/gadgets, eating food, and suffering studying. Rocky spends his time boxing, hanging with Sparkle, playing video games, helping Sparkle study, and eating tons of Ice Cream!

*:•°* Backstory *:•°*

Sparkle had hidden as an anthro, but one day she got bored and sneaked outside. She wasn't aware of the dangers of being a scientist who had captured her. She was run by countless experiments, but a mysterious wizard saves her by giving her a page of a teleporting Spell. After that day Sparkle was the first Anthro discovered in Modern Society. She discovered that humans were rude to her but she never understood why. It’s because they never saw an anthro before. However, as time go on, more and more anthros showed up. Sparkle knew she Spark a change that Humans and Anthros can Unite.

This contains the fundemental Lore of It's Time to Sparkle! (Still in development, so stay tuned!)

*:•°* Experiment 125 *:•°*

Sparkle was Epiremented as a Kid. How did her Story begin?Sparkle was hidden in her mansion for 7 years because she's an Anthro. Sparkle got bored and wanted to escape her mansion because she wanted to explore the city. As Sparkle was exploring the city, a strange man was following her. Sparkle wasn't aware she was being followed due she was reacting to the city. The strange man went closer and captured Sparkle.After a few hours, Sparkle woke up in a Lab. She saw the Scientist running some experiments on her. She Asked if he was a Doctor. The Scientist answers, “I’m Dr. Zack Science, I am indeed a Doctor who studies science.” Dr. Zack experimented on Sparkle by draining unusual amounts of her blood and Injecting Sparkle with all the Elements of the Periodic Table. Lastly, Zack wanted to know the anatomy of an Anthro so he attempted to dissect Sparkle. Sparkle was crying throughout the Experiments and now she feels like her life is over. Zack heard a female voice calling for him. While Zack left to see the Woman, Sparkle was Given a teleportation spell by an unknown Wizard.Sparkle quickly learn the spell and accidentally teleported to a random House. Sparkle ran out of the house and found her way home. Her family was relieved that Sparkle was safe, but they were disappointed that she left on her own.Nine Years Later, Sparkle accidentally Encounter Zack while she was in the Supermarket with Rocky. Sparkle panics and hid behind Rocky. Zack walked past Rocky and didn’t notice Sparkle. Zack mumbled, “That Anthro looked similar to 125.” Rocky Questioned about 125, and Sparkle explained that she was Experiment 125 and that Zack is the Scientist that experimented on her. Rocky mentions that he will protect Sparkle if Zack comes and tries to experiment on her again.In certain circumstances, Sparkle learns something about Zack and wanted to help Zack. Sparkle convinces him that she can give him information about Anthros and Wizards without trying to kill her.Fun Fact: Sparkle doesn't Trust trust doctors because of Zack.

Experiment 125 (Rocky)While Rocky was Chilling alone, Zack tried to capture Rocky. Zack held a Cloth with a sleeping agent to Rock’s Face. Rocky Elbows Zack, saying, “Ya know that ain’t gonna knock me down. I’m immune to any sleeping agents and poison.” Zack got bamboozled and mentioned that he planned on capturing Rocky finishing Experiment 125. Rocky agrees to follow Zack to his lab. Zack once again is shocked that Rocky was willing to be experimented on.As they went to the lab, Zack noticed that Rocky appears to be expressionless compared to the last time they saw each other. Rocky explains about his Alexathymya and how Sparkle gives him more life to him. Zack was fascinated that Rocky knew so much about his condition and asked if Rocky could have a blood test to check if his blood was similar to Sparkle’s. Rocky agrees and shows no reaction when he was drained excessively. Zack also ran tests on his brain to see what was causing his Alexathyima but found nothing. Besides, his brain responds to emotions differently.Zack couldn't ask for more, but instead, he wanted to learn the anatomy of an Anthro. Zack binds Rocky to the Table. Rocky never agreed to have “Surgery” on him. As Rocky is strapped to the Table, Rocky mentions you have to knock him out if you want to “Dissect” him, but at the same time, anesthesia will not affect Rocky. Zack got irritated that Rocky pointed out his flaws in the experiment. Zack claimed on the test results that Rocky does not react to being cut open. Rocky agrees with that statement but claims he didn’t want to die due to his fear of what would happen to Sparkle if he were dead. Zack didn't care other than knowing that Rocky bears a fear. Rocky busted out of the table and left Zack’s lab before Zack cut Rocky’s chest.Rocky proceeded to Sparkle’s Mansion to explain to everyone what happened to him. Sparkle wasn't sure if she should be relieved that he was unharmed or shocked that Rocky almost got experimented on. Sparkle hugs Rocky, and everyone is pleased that Rocky is safe.Fun Fact: Rocky accepted to be experimented on just because he’s bored.

*:•°* Rocky’s Boxing Story *:•°*

Rocky Road is a Young Wizard who is a Champion in Boxing. How did his Story begin?When Rocky was an 8-year-old, he finished his computer assignment and saw a kid in front of him watching a Boxing Match. Ever since that day, Rocky got inspired to become a Boxer. Rocky practiced boxing for two reasons, to protect Sparkle and to stand up to his bully one day.When Rocky was 14 years old, he decided to play Boxing as a competitive sport. He gains experience for his move set in battle. Rocky signed up to be a boxer, and when he played his first match, he realized he never had contacts. His Coach and a few others told him to take off his Glasses. Rocky continues to wear Glasses during the match. The opponent Punched his face, then Rocky’s Glasses fell, and Rocky was paralyzed. His opponent took that as an advantage and Knocked Out Rocky. Since his first match, Rocky learns from his mistake to never wear his glasses in Boxing again. Sparkle had helped him to pay for his contacts since she knew how expensive it was to get his Glasses.

As Rocky gains more experience, he becomes a well-known boxer. He was one the youngest Boxers out there. People loved how Imtimating Rocky and yet so passionate about his Boxing skills. Rocky continues to win over his opponents, and he got known as the Un-Knockable, due to his resistance to being Knocked out easily. After he won 15 Games, an Interviewer wanted to interview him. Rocky was nervous due to his Social Anxiety. Rocky tells the Story of how he became a Boxer, about himself, and claims he would beat the Champion.Sparkle and the Coach heard that in the interview and called Rocky crazy. Sparkle and the Coach told Rocky wasn’t ready to fight the Champion. When Rocky Realized the Champion wanted to destroy Rocky, he became paranoid. Rocky has practiced more with his Coach and Sparkle. The Champion made a Deal. If Rocky wins, Rocky will become the Champion. If Rocky loses, he’s never allowed to become the Champion.When it was Rocky’s time to fight the Champion, Rocky was nervous about fighting the Champion and almost got annihilated by the Champion. The Champion punched him to the point that Rocky became dizzy. Rocky knew not to give up and kept going. Rocky got Knocked Out twice before making a Comeback. He didn't want to let Sparkle and his fans down, so he got up, roared, and fought with all his might. Rocky faced his fear to prove that he would beat the Champion. Rocky observes the Champion’s attacks and counters them with his attacks. The Champion couldn't land a single attack on Rocky. Rocky Knocked out the Champion three times. The Champion was unable to get back up. Sparkle and the Fans cheered for Rocky’s Victory!Rocky officially becomes the Champion. Rocky got so excited to yell, “That belt belongs to me!” and took the prior Champion’s belt with his Magic. Rocky then Threw his hands in the air to say, “Alright! I’m the Champion now!” The Referee held his arm in the air, declaring Rocky the Champion. Rocky will never forget the day when he became the Champion.Fun Fact: Before Rocky Starts a Boxing Match, Rocky eats a mini Rocky Road Ice Cream Cone and Roars.

*:•°* Sparkle’s Childhood Stories *:•°*

How Did Sparkle Meet Rocky? (Warning Slight Trigger Warning)Sparkle used to be the only Anthro in Elementary School until another Anthro boy showed up a month later. Sparkle and the other classmates got intimated by this Anthro boy because of his cold, blank stare. The Anthro Boy’s name was Rocky Road. Rocky was assigned to sit next to Sparkle. Sparkle ignores Rocky and continues to focus on learning the class subject. After Class was in recess, Sparkle went up to Rocky since she was interested he’s another Anthro. Sparkle Stared into his cold, lifeless eyes and said quietly, “He’s so scary and yet so cute…” Sparkle ran way after that. Rocky was confused and whispered, “What’s with her? Did I do something wrong?”Moments shortly into recess, Sparkle got beaten up by a bully named Jayzon. Sparkle cried at the bully that she was tired of this, wanted Jayzon to stop bullying her, and didn’t want to live anymore, asking him to kill her to end her suffering. Jayzon mocked her, claiming that he had no intention of killing her and enjoyed making her suffer. While Rocky was blankly staring at this situation, he knew he had to help Sparkle. Rocky kindly tapped Jayzon’s shoulder, reminding Jayzon that Sparkle wanted him to stop bullying her. Jayzon got upset that someone had to nerve to stand up for Sparkle. Jayzyon looked behind him and noticed it was Rocky. Jayzon got scared at his Blank Expression and ran away.Sparkle was relieved that someone saved her. She didn’t expect it to be the New Kid to be her hero. After that, Sparkle gets a crush on Rocky. Rocky was unaware that Sparkle was in love with him. Rocky Introduced himself, and Sparkle followed up with her introduction. Rocky vows to protect Sparkle from danger and fist bumps Sparkle to mark the beginning of their friendship. Ever since that day, they became an Unbreakable Friendship.(Fun Fact: Sparkle always had a crush on Rocky, but Rocky was unaware that he also had a crush on her until years later.)

How Did Sparkle meet Jamie?Sparkle was Walking After School and Noticed a Blue Cat Girl crying in an alley. Sparkle couldn't ignore her. Sparkle decided to help this Cat Anthro. The Cat Anthro claimed she accidentally left the house chasing a mouse. She didn’t realize how far she roamed in the city. The Cat Anthro mentions she was days without seeing her family. Sparkle asked what is her name to see if they would help find her Family. The Cat stated her name as Jamie Rose. Sparkle asked her family to help find Jamies’s Family. Sparkle’s Family had no luck finding Jamie’s family. Instead, Sparkle offered Jamie to live with her family. Jamie agrees, and they become Best Friends.(Fun Fact: Under certain circumstances, Jamie got reunited with her family but chooses to stay with Sparkle)